Employment Application

You can complete the application online or download and print the version that also includes our policies.


Position applying For:
Full Name *
Current Address
Phone *
Email Address *
Social Security
Your Facebook & other social media pages
0 of 350
Emergency Contact #1 Name
Emergency Contact #1 Phone
Emergency Contact #2 Name
Emergency Contact #2 Phone
What experience do you have for position applying for:
What months are you available to work?
What days and hours are you available to work?
Can you work on Saturdays?
How many hours per week can you work?
When are you available to start work?
High School Education
0 of 350
Business/Technical Education
0 of 350
College Education
0 of 350
Professional/Graduate Education
0 of 350
Other training, certifications
0 of 350
Work Experience Job 1
0 of 350
Work Experience Job 2
0 of 350
Work Experience Job 3
0 of 350
Personal Reference 1
0 of 350
Personal Reference 2
0 of 350
Personal Reference 3
0 of 350
Are you currently employed?
May we contact your present employer?
Did you complete this application yourself?
if not, who did?
If hired, can you provide proof of U.S. citizenship or proof of legal right to live and work in the USA?
Do You Have Any Friends Or Relatives Employed By York Fresh Food Farms?
If Yes, Please Provide Their Name And Relationship To You.
Do You Have A Valid Drivers License?
If Hired, Would You Have A Reliable Means Of Transportation To And From Work?
Are You Physically Fit And Able To Lift 50 Pounds?
Are You Able To Perform The Essential Functions And Duties Of The Job For Which You Are Applying?
If Not, Please Describe The Functions Or Duties You Are Unable To Perform:
0 of 350
Additional Information
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Upload Your CV: *