Internship Application

Full Name *
Preferred Name
Date of Birth
Permanent Address
Are you authorized to work in United States?
Emergency Contact #1 Name
Emergency Contact #1 Phone
Emergency Contact #2 Name
Emergency Contact #2 Phone
Year of School
Why are you interested in an internship with York Fresh Food Farms?
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Please Check The Box To Indicate The Area(S) In Which You Would Like To Work
Please Identify That You Can Or Would Like To Contribute
Will you be seeking academic credit for your internship
Please Describe Any Academic Requirements You Must Complete For Your Internship
0 of 350
Do You Have Reliable Transportation?
Do You Have A Valid Drivers License And A Clean Driving Record
Do You Have Access To A PC Or Laptop?
Please identify at least 2 3-hour shifts with a total of at least 6 hours/week.
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Personal Reference 1
0 of 350
Personal Reference 2
0 of 350
Personal Reference 3
0 of 350
Upload Your CV: *