Hey Neighbor!
First, we want to say that we have missed sharing all of the exciting goings-on here at York Fresh Food Farms with you & appreciate your continued interest and support of our work! As we all can relate to, COVID-19 has introduced increased challenges & work for us not only operationally but also physically, mentally & emotionally. We send our love to all of you, your families & loved ones as we continue on in this season of life together.
Fall is quickly settling in here at Willis Farm & as with every change in season we welcome the refreshment & newness that comes with. As the favorite summer crops slow down – tomatoes, peppers, melons, okra – the fresh, beautiful Fall Vegetables are beginning to thrive! Mustard Greens, Collard Greens & Kale, Lettuces, Radishes, Turnips & Broccoli are a few of our favorites to mention. With some frustrating crop damage by the unwelcomed resident groundhog(s), our brassica crops like Cauliflower, Cabbage & Broccoli are in much more limited quantity than we’d like, however, we’re thankful for what we do have to share & the land we have to share from.
In addition to Fall Crops we have growing in the field, we also just recently planted are new Low Tunnel, fit for growing through the Winter Months! Currently in the freshly cultivated soil are Spinach, Arugula, Swiss Chard, Kale, Collard Greens & Cilantro, and we soon hope to have Carrots, Turnips & possibly some Onions in the earth as well. Our excitement & gratitude for the extension of our growing season is great, with the goal to increase our community impact by feeding more people for more months out of the year. Keep reading to find out how you can get your hands on some Organic, York City-Grown Vegetables this Winter to keep you healthy in all of the ways
It is Apple Season here in York County (and York City!) & what better way to cherish the harvest than cooking some delicious homemade applesauce! (It also will surely warm you up on a dreary, cold day like today!)

A Love for the People – Short Documentary for Y3F

We are in our 17th Week (out of 21 Weeks) of the Mobile Produce Market & we cannot believe how quickly the MPM Season has passed & how blessed we have been through it all! We are thankful to have the opportunity to continue to offer fresh, healthy foods to our community in York City & surrounding areas. On the Street you can find us in your neighborhood – meet us at Paks Food Market on the East Side, Lincoln Charter School out West, and Lee’s Food Market in Parkway Homes, to name a few of our favorite spots x You can find all of the fall vegetables we mentioned above PLUS crisp, local apples from Shaw Orchards. Delicious & healthy!
Before the launch of our MPM, in the planning & strategy phase, we never once questioned the launch of our services amidst COVID-19, recognizing the need for healthy foods to remain accessible & affordable amidst the on-going health crisis facing our communities, nation & world. This need has been confirmed as we are on track to meet our goals for the 2020 Mobile Produce Market Season (woohoo!) in regards to number of people served, total sales & increased redemption of subsidized programs such as SNAP/EBT & Farmers Market Nutrition Program Checks. We have also experienced a large response to our Home Delivery & Market PickUp Services, including our recent offering of Winter Shares which serve as an outlet of the fresh, organic vegetables we are growing through the Winter. (There are a few Winter Shares still available for pre-order – go to bit.ly/orderwintery3f to reserve your Share! All Payment Programs accepted including SNAP/EBT/Food Stamps, FMNP, WellSpan Market Bucks, Cash & Card)
Below is positive feedback from some of our Home Delivery customers, greatly humbling to us, that we’d like to share with you:
One’ P: Thank you so much for making it easier to get fresh food into my home to help feed my kids and get them used to eating healthy.
Carolyn B: I wanted to mention, we love your produce, and are so happy to have found you! Produce is delicious, and so much better than the grocery store.
Stephanie W: I love your service and the quality of the products. Thank you for serving and for providing this opportunity to our area.
Whitney O: We always love your produce! Keeps us fed and healthy in this pandemic!!
If you have yet to take advantage of our Home Delivery Services in this 2020 Season, we have included a link to our Subscription List at the button below, providing you with Weekly Order Forms every Sunday for Friday Home Delivery or Market PickUp. We would also love to see you at our Mobile Produce Market, the Full Schedule of which will run until Friday, November 6th.